Local Government Association at Westminster

AFTER attending a conference at the Local Government Association at Westminster in London recently three town councillors and directors of the Hubbards Hills Trust,, Couns Andrew Leonard, Dave Wing and Jill Makinson-Sanders had the pleasure of meeting the new Lord Mayor of London, Alderman David Wootton at a private drinks reception he hosted at the historic Mansion House in the City. Despite undertaking this very busy role which sees him flying round the world to promote the city businesses and meeting tens of thousands of businessmen, he found time to learn more about how the Trust is preserving the Louth beauty spot for the next generation as well as expressing an interest in becoming a Patron of the Louth charity. From left to right are Coun Andrew Leonard, the Lord Mayor of London Alderman David Wootton, town and district Coun Mrs Jill Makinson-Sanders and Coun Dave Wing.


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