Hills press release

HUBBARD’S HILLS Trust has started 2011 on a high note after successfully landing an important grant from the Wolds Sustainable Development Fund to draw up a Draft Management Plan for the beauty spot on the western edge of Louth.

Hubbard’s Hills Trust Chairman Coun Andrew Leonard commented: “This has enabled us to start work on putting together a plan, which after we have consulted the public, we can use for funding applications to get the job of regenerating Hubbards Hills started in earnest. We really are grateful to the Lincolnshire Wolds Sustainable Development Fund, which is administered by the Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service, for providing us with this generous grant.”

The Fund is designed to bring organisations and people together to help protect and enhance the Lincolnshire Wolds’ Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and encourage innovative ideas to help achieve a sustainable future.

The Trust organised a meeting of environmental professionals this week to share ideas on the production of the Draft Management Plan, which will look not only at the trees, wildlife and geology of the Hills but also at the chalk stream and the lake.

“We know the public does not want to see big changes at Hubbards Hills,” Coun Leonard continued. “But we need to do work which will ensure the Hills are as beautiful for our grandchildren as they have been since the Hills were given to the town over a century ago. The river is cutting into the bank and the Lake needs work doing to it as it is completely silted up, so we need to find solutions to these problems and our management plan will address these sorts of issues.”

He paid tribute to the professionals who have given so freely of their time and expertise. “We really are grateful for all their help, it’s all a very good example of the Big Society hard at work.”

The snow at the end of last year again proved expensive for the Trust with extra costs incurred for the work clearing broken sledges and discarded plastic from the hillsides. “In the last year we have had over 100 sledges dumped on the slopes,” he revealed. “We really want people to enjoy the open air and the lovely surroundings but it would help if they took home their breakages rather than just dumping them. It has meant we have had to pay for extra maintenance and extra skips to clear up and that does not come cheap unfortunately. The more money we have to spend on this sort of thing the less we have to invest in restoring the Hills, so we hope the public will help us out.”

Keep up with the latest Hubbard’s Hills news via the website on or contact the Trust on enquiries@hubbardshills.com

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